Dairy cows

Do you want healthier cows? Healthier cows are more productive and have a higher lifetime production of milk. In terms of sustainability and economics too, a productive and healthy herd is important. De Heus offers nutritional and management programmes for every aspect relating to dairy cows and feed on your farm.

Contributing to a profitable, healthy and sustainable farm

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Helping to achieve your farm goals

Every day, you try and keep your animals healthy: rearing your young calves to become productive heifers, offering the best ration to your animals. In other words: managing your farm in the best possible way.

We are here to support your specific farm needs! After analysing and discussing your goals, our technical advisor provides you with a practical on-farm solution to help improve the performance of your farm.

  • Well-developed heifers
  • Healthy start of lactation
  • Improved roughage and ration efficiency

Are there any challenges we can help you with?

For every life stage!

Our feed varies from nutrition that gives young animals the best start in life to feed that addresses important phases in their productive life cycles. For every life stage we have the perfect feed for you.


Rearing young calves to become productive heifers


Make more milk out of roughage and out of a cows life

Dry period

Taking control of the critical transition period

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Dairy cow solutions

To support you in the different aspects of your dairy farm, De Heus has developed practical programmes for these critical processes.


We have the answers to your questions

In dairy cows, the weeks before and after calving play a crucial role in the longevity, health and performance of your cows. The dry period enables your dairy cows to rest and prepare for calving and the start of the next lactation. After calving, cows should be fed a well-balanced ration to achieve high peak milk production.

Learn more about optimally managing the transition period on our Prelacto page

When rearing a heifer to become a well-developed and productive cow, not only are the first 6 months important but the entire period from birth to calving. At each stage of your heifer's life, the nutritional needs are different. The Kaliber Calf Rearing Plan meets the requirements of your heifer at each phase of her life until calving. The Kaliber Calf rearing plan provides the optimal feeding strategy to suit your specific farm situation. As a result, you will rear heifers with Kaliber!

Learn more about calf rearing on our Kaliber page

Each ration for cows consists of the farm's own roughage mixed with compound feed, by-products and other raw materials. Our feed advisors aim to balance the ration for a high milk production in a healthy way. And make optimal use of the roughage available. This will result in the most profitable strategy for your farm and the performance of the cows.

If you want to improve your farm's performance, you first need to define your goals. Our technical advisor knows about feeding, farm management and monitoring the results. He can help you analyse your current performance and key parameters such as feed efficiency, ration composition and the health of your cows. You will gain insight into how to improve the performance to achieve your goals.