Heat Stress

Keep your animals healthy and productive during hot weather

Heat stress is a big challenge

When your animals struggle to keep their body temperature within the ideal thermal neutral zone and their temperature surpasses the threshold, they will experience heat stress. This heat stress leads to higher mortality rates, reduced feed intake, and decreased productivity, impacting them not only during the heatwave but also afterwards. Consequently, this will significantly reduce your financial returns. Discover effective ways to mitigate the effects of heat stress through comprehensive management, health strategies, and feeding solutions, all integrated in the CoolCare approach. Learn more here to enhance your livestock's well-being and maintain profitability.

CoolCare supports animals during heat stress

The CoolCare solution enhances the health and welfare of your animals, maintains their performance, and reduces stress caused by heat. It begins with predicting weather conditions that could lead to heat stress and implementing measures to lower your animals' body temperature to healthier levels.

The CoolCare app assists in predicting potential heat stress risks in India. It offers valuable feed and farm management advice tailored to your specific temperature and humidity conditions, ensuring your animals are supported during heat stress.

Download the CoolCare app now

The CoolCare app

Minimize heat stress with the CoolCare app. Get tailored tips for India's hot climate and start quickly with the easy guide.

Download the CoolCare app guide

How to recognize heat stress in your dairy cows

It is crucial to recognize the signs of heat stress in your dairy cows. By being alert to symptoms you can prevent serious health issues. Once you notice these signs, it's important to take immediate action to cool your animals and adjust their environment.

How to recognize heat stress in your pigs

It is crucial to recognize the signs of heat stress in your pigs. By being alert to symptoms you can prevent serious health issues. Once you notice these signs, it's important to take immediate action to cool your animals and adjust their environment.

How to recognize heat stress in your poultry

Recognizing the signs of heat stress in your poultry is crucial. By being vigilant for symptoms, you can prevent serious health issues. Once these signs are noticed, it's important to take immediate action to cool your cows and adjust their environment.

Frequently asked question about coolcare

We have the answers to your questions

Our approach will help you to identify heat stress (with the app) at an early stage. It enables you to take action (e.g. poster/training) at both the nutritional and management levels to support your animals during this period.

By understanding the physiological consequences of heat stress (video), we not only try to alleviate the negative impact of heat stress on animals (curing), but we also try to prevent these consequences from occurring in the first place. In other words, our approach is proactive and not simply reactive.

Our approach doesn't focus solely on selling you more of our feed as the perfect solution against heat stress. The tools we develop allow for objective advice on what steps you can take to have the best possible impact. These can be changes related to nutrition but also to management.

Our approach targets the animals. We focus on how to support them during periods of heat stress. There definitely is an impact on performance and consequently also a financial impact, but our initial aim is to alleviate the negative impact on the animals' welfare and health by addressing the physiological issues at hand as a consequence of heat stress.

You can find the CoolCare app in the Google Play Store and in the Itunes store.